Usui-Holographic Reiki Courses
Note. Students who have previously taken a class with Vision Reiki receive a 10% reduction. Reviewers – students who have taken Reiki I with Catherine Bastedo and wish to redo the class, may participate at half-price. Please email xxx for details regarding dates for the next classes, and for registration.
Usui-Holographic Reiki Level I: one day
SELF DISCOVERY – Learn about the healer in you, and how to connect with Source energy.
The focus of Level I is self-healing and helping others. Usui-HolographicReiki is taught as a three-part spiritual practice. The class covers the history of Reiki, the nature of the Reiki energy, the Reiki Ethics, the five principles or precepts, how to do Reiki on yourself, and how to provide a session for others. In Level I Holographic-Usui Reiki you will also learn some energy basics – chakras, animal totems and how to connect with individual gifts of clairsentience, claircognisance, clairvoyance or clairaudience and the immense healing potential within each person. Attunements are conducted using Holy Fire Reiki.
Fee: $325
Holographic-Reiki Level II: one day
MANIFESTATION – Learn 3 Reiki symbols and deepen your skills.
At Level II, the focus is learning three Japanese healing symbols and sending Reiki from a distance. You will learn these symbols in a fun, multi-dimensional visualization. And you will learn to connect more with spiritual guidance, including the natural world. You will discuss clearing unwanted habits, empowering personal goals, listening to your inner voice, and manifesting spiritually guided change. You will practice table Reiki and distance Reiki.
Fee: $350
Note: If the student is ready, Levels I and II can be combined in a 2-day class, with a reduction to the cost.
Usui-Holographic Master Practitioner Level (R.M.P.): one day
MASTERY – Learn the Master Symbol and practice self-mastery, harmony and joyful living.
With the Master Practitioner Level, the focus is development of a deeper understanding of Reiki and the Reiki precepts, integrating your 3-part spiritual practice more fully, and learning more about your connection to Nature and your totems. You will learn and experience the Reiki Master Symbol, exchange ideas and concepts regarding mastery of the spiritual path, and look at your life to see where mastery is strong and where you can develop it further using Reiki. You will also learn ways to open and close sacred space, and more.
Fee: $375
Usui-Holographic Reiki Master Teacher Level (R.M.T.)
I invite individuals who have completed the Usui Reiki Master Practitioner level (RMP) to consider the Usui Reiki Master Teacher Program (RMT) offered by Vision Reiki. With the RMT program you will fully integrate the spiritual practice you have started and deepen your understanding and use of the Reiki precepts in your life. You will explore your authentic self, and recognize it more in others as Reiki becomes a life discipline. You will learn more techniques for energy work – from connecting to nature, to chakra clearing, to protecting yourself – and deepen your understanding of archetypes and symbols. Upon completing the program you will be able to attune students at all levels and teach Reiki, and you will have some pointers for setting up a Reiki business. This program can lead to accreditation as Reiki Master Teacher with the Canadian Reiki Association (CRA). This program does not require you to teach, but it will certainly help you develop and understand your Reiki talents!
The RMT program takes place normally over a period of six months to a year but may be extended. It is tailored to your needs. After a review of the Reiki I, II and Reiki Master Practitioner teachings, you will carry out your case studies.
Components of this program include:
Ø A minimum of 3 personalized learning and mentoring sessions
Ø 24 hands-on Reiki case studies with a variety of clients
Ø Assisting with and teaching segments of three Reiki classes at different levels
Ø Learning how to pass attunements/placements at all levels
Ø Learning more about giving Reiki sessions that incorporate the use of all of our senses, symbolism, metaphors, crystals, and the energetic frequency of Holy Fire III
Ø Guidance for teaching classes and developing Reiki class outlines
Ø Tips for marketing and setting up a Reiki business
The price of $1,000 includes the above components, as well as my continuous mentorship and guidance.
I encourage Reiki Master Teacher students to also study Karuna Holy Fire III. It will greatly enhance your Reiki sessions and your personal Reiki path, as well as allowing you to give attunements with Holy Fire III.
The Holographic-Usui Reiki Master Teacher Program incorporating Holy Fire III may be calling to you. If you are interested in pursuing this next step on your path, I would be happy to talk it over or meet with you. And I would love to share my experience, teachings, and the harmony I have found through the Rei.
For further details and the application process, contact us
Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Training
Note to qualify to take this class, a student must have been a Reiki master for at least 6 months and be able to draw the Reiki II and master symbols from memory.
Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is translanted to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as “compassionate action.”
This class is the next step after Reiki Master and is both a practitioner and a Master class. The class is taught as the Usui/Holy Fire® III style of Reiki that is a combination of the Usui system and a special Holy Fire® III style. The Usui and Holy Fire® III master symbols are included along with special meditations and many additional techniques. The training is intensive and very thorough.
Those who take the class will be able to use the Karuna symbols in their Reiki sessions and teach all levels of Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki®. You will also be able to teach Reiki I&II and Reiki Master as Holy Fire® III classes. Karuna Reiki® is complete with eight practitioner symbols, one Master symbol, four Ignitions including the World Peace Ignition and two meditations that are guided directly by the Holy Fire® consciousness. After completing this class, you will be able to initiate students into levels of Reiki up through full Reiki master.
For more detailed information on Karuna Reiki® consult the International Center for Reiki Training

Reiki & Crystals
A one-day workshop, for anyone who has taken a Reiki Level I class. This workshop will demonstrate how Reiki combines powerfully with the pure vibration of healing crystals, which have been cleansed and charged with Reiki energy. Learn about crystals, clearing crystals with Reiki, using them for meditation, holding Reiki sessions with different crystals and connecting them to energy centres. Bring your own crystals and get to know them better! For further information, please contact us.